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Dear Mr. Fix It: All the Small Things

Hello, Mr. Fix It family! Welcome back to our series, "Dear Mr. Fix It", where we will talk about smaller questions customers like you might have!

Dear Mr. Fix It,

My washer broke so I did a search for appliance repair and you popped up. When I called, however, I was told that you do not repair appliances. Why are you listed under appliance repair if that is not a service that you offer?


Washerless and Worried

Dear Washerless,

Thank you for writing in! We understand that this situation can be confusing. We are confused as well. We have been through all of our profiles, tags, and SEO information and nothing should be pointing to appliance repair. We do, however, still show up under appliance repair on Google. Rest assured that we are working on remedying this issue. In the meantime, we recommend calling KG Appliance for all of your appliance needs.

Thank you,

Mr. Fix It


Dear Mr. Fix It,

I recently had a plumbing emergency in my house. While I am fine with the price that you charge for the work, I am perplexed that you charge for travel in such a small town. Why do you charge your service calls for travel?


Questioning Quickness

Dear Questioning,

Thank you for your question! The simple answer is this: Travel isn't free for anyone and if we didn't include it in our service calls, we would be losing money. In our opinion, that is not a very good business practice. With the price of gas being what it is, we can't afford not to.

Thank you,

Mr. Fix It


Dear Mr. Fix It,

I have had a few projects done by you over the years and I am always confused and frustrated when winter comes and I call in the morning just to be greeted with an answering machine. What happens to you guys in the winter time?

Thank you in advance,

Future Frustration

Dear Future,

Thank you for your continuous business! We are sorry that things get a little confusing toward the end of the year. We do, in fact, keep two different schedules: one for the warmer months and one for the cooler months.

Summer Hours:


Winter Hours


We try to keep the public informed of these hours as much as possible by way of social media posts when the hours change over as well as having these hours posted on our website. Thank you for your question. We look forward to doing more business with you.

Thank you,

Mr. Fix It



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